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Blue Neocaridina Shrimp

  • Safe: Small, peaceful fish and invertebrates. Good choices are:

    • Other dwarf shrimp
    • Small, peaceful fish
      • Asian Stone Catfish
      • Bushynose Plecos
      • Corydora Catfish
      • Danios
      • Guppies
      • Hillstream Loaches
      • Otocinclus (safe to keep with breeding shrimp as well)
      • Ram Cichlids
      • Tetras (small tetras only)
    • Filter Shrimp
      • Vampire Shrimp
      • Singapore Flower Shrimp
    • Snails (all types)
      • Ramshorn Snails
      • Mystery Snails
      • Nerite Snails
      • Sulawesi Snails (aka Rabbit Snails)

    Unsafe: Any fish or invertebrate large and/or aggressive enough to eat a dwarf shrimp. Examples:

    • Angelfish
    • Barbs (the aggressive kinds)
    • Bettas
    • Glo Tetras
    • Catfish (large)
    • Cichlids
    • Crayfish (most types)
    • Discus
    • Pacu
    • Plecos (large) 
    • Goldfish
    • Gourami


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